Picking through the truth about organic and non-organic cotton
Anyone who is interested in preserving the environment or just curious about how their clothes are made might be wondering about the differences between organic cotton vs non-organic cotton. We’re already aware that harmful pesticides and insecticides are used in the growth of our fruits and vegetables, so what else could they be used in? Just what is the truth about organic cotton and conventional cotton?
The bare facts
When cotton is loomed and prepped for cutting, it first goes through several chemical treatments and baths. It’s not unusual for the dyes used on non-organic cotton to contain heavy metals. There are no chemicals used in the growth of organic cotton. If organic cotton is ever treated with anything, it’s a gentle environmental dye or a colorant that’s natural, like clay.
Another difference between organic cotton and non-organic cotton is that organic cotton is often safer for individuals who can’t wear conventional cotton because of the traces of chemicals and dyes inside of them.
Picking through the truth about organic and non-organic cotton
Anyone who is interested in preserving the environment or just curious about how their clothes are made might be wondering about the differences between organic cotton vs non-organic cotton. We’re already aware that harmful pesticides and insecticides are used in the growth of our fruits and vegetables, so what else could they be used in? Just what is the truth about organic cotton and conventional cotton?
The bare facts
When cotton is loomed and prepped for cutting, it first goes through several chemical treatments and baths. It’s not unusual for the dyes used on non-organic cotton to contain heavy metals. There are no chemicals used in the growth of organic cotton. If organic cotton is ever treated with anything, it’s a gentle environmental dye or a colorant that’s natural, like clay.
Another difference between organic cotton and non-organic cotton is that organic cotton is often safer for individuals who can’t wear conventional cotton because of the traces of chemicals and dyes inside of them.
From the Ground Up
When it comes to planting cotton seeds, those used with organic cotton aren’t treated with any kind of chemicals, nor are the seeds genetically modified organisms. The soil is rotated, which strengthens it and allows it to retain water better because there is more organic matter in the soil. The weeds that sprout up in a crop of organic cotton are removed by hand as opposed to using chemicals to get rid of the weeds. Weeds are controlled through hand hoeing and cultivation.
There is a larger impact to the environment with the growth of non organic cotton. The reason for this is that a quarter of insecticides that are used across the globe are used in the growth of conventional cotton. Some of the most harmful pesticides known to man are also used during the growth of non organic cotton. It’s not unusual to hear of a person consuming those harmful pesticides if they eat any foods that contain cottonseed oil.
Non organic cotton farming usually involves using manmade fertilizers. Not only that, but there is also a loss of soil because of the harmful monocrops, which are cultivated crops that aren’t rotated with all of the other crops in a specific area or field. Growing non organic cotton also involves intensive irrigation.
Additional Benefits of Organic Cotton
Besides feeling better about buying a completely organic product, there are several other benefits of buying organic cotton. One of the biggest is that those who buy organic cotton are contributing to the reduction of water and soil pollution. Organic cotton often feels softer than non organic cotton and is much more absorbent than fluff pulp. Those who suffer from allergies will be glad to know that organic cotton is hypoallergenic and won’t cause skin irritation.
While buying anything organic will more than likely cost you a bit more than non organic products, they can go a long way in saving your health, your conscious, and helping to support organic farmers. Not only that, but if more people buy organic cotton it can be just the encouragement that conventional farmers need to think about switching to organic practices.