Meet the Maker - The Weavers & Tailors of Arequipa, Peru | Boll & Branch

The Weavers & Tailors of Arequipa, Peru

Makers With Higher Standards

This partner is the leader in responsibly sourced alpaca, ensuring humane treatment of the animals. They offer a fully vertically integrated operation, working with spinners to turn the fine “baby” alpaca fibers into yarns, then overseeing the entire product development to completion. The making of our alpaca products takes approximately 12 weeks and 100+ people are involved from start to finish.

The Weavers & Tailors of Arequipa, Peru

Ancestral Traditions

This partner stands apart for its commitment to their surroundings, ensuring the improvement of the community's quality of life and the conservation of their ancestral traditions.They promote equal market conditions for our alpaca fiber suppliers through fair trade practices. They comply with international social standards by providing safe and dignified working conditions.